Happy Holidays! I hope you all had a Happy Holiday. Ours was wonderful, our children and grandchildren were here and the 'grand dog' too.
My granddaughter loves 'sock monkey'. That is an understatement. Last fall I found a 'sock monkey' at the Houston Quilt Show s0 that was one gift taken care of. I also had bought 'sock monkey' fabric. I made her a quilt with the fabric and put it and the monkey under the tree. It warmed all of our hearts to see the joy on her face. All afternoon the quilt and monkey were her constant companions.
this is why we make quilts, to make memories. The quilt may be dragged on the floor and shared with the dog. Decades from now the quilt may no longer exist but the memory of this Christmas will stay with her as an old woman and told to her grandchildren.
I hope your Christmas and holidays were memory makers too.